Posted by: y4ku24 | October 31, 2011

A good comic title anyone? Part 2

My second try on single frame comics, this time in English! Some are straight forward, some needs some thinking before you can understand it. Feel free to ask about it if you don’t! I personally like the first one.

(Still searching for a good comic title) 





  1. I cannot understand the first one.Oshiete kudasai!!!

  2. for the first one, you have to watch star wars to understand that Yoda cannot speak proper English. that’s why i made up the reason as above!

  3. Salam.
    Nice nice nice.. Suka!
    Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are..
    Hahaha.. Part lizard tu kelakar.

    Zirafah la paling bangga sebab serupa Sauropod yang digemari.. 🙂

  4. salam,lama senyap blog ni?

    • Hi Zaf..Heh, saya rasa saya berhenti di sini sahaja, tetapi saya masih activekan sebab masih ingin berkongsi ilmu sebelum ini dengan semua. Masih banyak ingin diceritakan, tetapi saya ambil keputusan berhenti di sini, kecuali ada sebab lain untuk teruskan. Thanks for the support! 🙂

  5. I hope someday, something will trigger you back to write. Whatever you reason is, I hope you are doing well.Terima kasih kerana tidak deactivate blog ini.

    • Salam aidiladha Nurqider.

      Thank you for the nice comment. Memang sudah lama saya berhenti berblog. Simply sebab sudah masuk alam kerja dan sudah berkahwin. Nampaknya sekarang ini era blog sudah berlalu, lebih banyak ke arah facebook. Mungkin juga saya akan cuba buat nota-nota kecil sebagai kesinambungan blog ini. Add me up: Luqman Hakim Ahmad Shah(tapi tolong beritahu kenalan dari blog, sebab saya tak add sesiapa yang saya tak kenal)!

      Thanks for the support!

  6. *your reason

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